Whitchurch High School
Whitchurch High (Foundation) School is an English-medium 11 to 18 comprehensive school in Whitchurch in the north of Cardiff. There are 2,197 pupils on roll, including 407 in the sixth form. The school is on two sites. The lower school for Year 7 to Year 9 pupils is on Manor Way and the upper school for Year 10 to Year 13 pupils is in Whitchurch village. Around 11% of pupils are eligible for free school meals. This is lower than the national average of 17.4% for secondary schools in Wales. Around 11% of pupils live in the 20% most deprived areas in Wales.
Around 16% of pupils have a special educational need. The percentage with a special educational need is lower than the national figure of 25.4%. The percentage with a statement of special educational needs is 3%, which is higher than the national figure of 2.4%. The school has a specialist resource base funded by the local authority for up to 70 pupils with complex needs including physical, medical and severe learning difficulties. Many pupils are from a white British background. A few pupils are from other ethnic groups and around 4% of pupils speak English as an additional language. Very few pupils are fluent Welsh speakers.
The leadership team is made up of the Headteacher, who has been in post since 2008; three deputy headteachers, one of whom was appointed to the new post in January 2016, five assistant headteachers and a business manager. The Specialist Resource Base is within Whitchurch High School and pupils who attend have various additional learning needs.
Presently within the Resource Base there are 81 pupils and 27 members of staff who are split on two school sites as are mainstream pupils (years 7,8 and 9 on the lower school site and years 10, 11,12 and 13 on the upper school site). Several outside agencies are involved with the Resource Base to support the pupils’ needs such as Visual Impairment, Mobility, Hearing Impairment, Speech and Language.
When pupils reach year 10 they start to complete their qualifications. In year 10 and 11 WJEC Entry Pathways 1,2 or 3 depending on ability and the in years 12 and 13 continue with further Entry Pathways qualifications and an ASDAN award. This award is based on developing skills on learning work and life Whilst pupils are in year 12 and 13 they are involved with work experience within Cardiff and from this some pupils have been offered opportunities from this such as working within charities and part time posts. During this time the emphasis on learning is on life skills and future preparation for college or employment. After school many of the pupils will attend further education where residential and non-residential colleges are available.

Penlline Road
CF142XJ Cardiff
Tel: +442920629700