Schools & Educational Institutions fromCardiffKonyaFerrolNuremberg

Project partners that have come together in the DADA Project have expressed interest and enthusiasm to develop digital competences inspired by the needs highlighted in the Corrigendum to the 2020 Erasmus+ Programme Guide. We are responding to the need for ‘modernisation and digital transformation of education and training systems across Europe.
Partners share a vision of empowering teachers and students in using digital learning as a major tool in providing high quality blended learning.
Regional coordinators have been selected because of our collaborative learning approach and experience in coordinating successful KA2 projects. In each region we have selected project partners that have agreed to engage in professional learning opportunities and involve students in actively contributing to teacher training.
This wide-ranging experience will be invaluable in the coming years, ensuring this project is successful and that the countries involved they will be at the forefront of a changing and improving dynamic of teaching digitally in the 21st century.
The coordinating partners in Wales, Germany, Spain and Turkey have already worked together on previous collaborative Erasmus+ projects. Planning for this project has been conducted online and each brings a wealth of experience and skills of their own region and a lot of experience in the development and management of international projects. This topic is particularly exciting as although we recognise the need for digital teaching and learning is not new, the need to move quickly across Europe has been intensified recently and we are only just starting work on a local level.
The local authorities are working collaboratively with the wider community in discovering ways in which this project can be supported outside of the school environment. Local businesses, for example, were encouraged to work with pupils to support our objectives.

German Partners
Röthenbach an der Pegnitz, Germany

Kunigundenschule Lauf
Lauf an der Pegnitz, Germany

Nuremberg, Germany

Staatliches Schulamt Nürnberger Land
Feucht, Germany

Spanish Partners
CFR de Ferrol
Ferrol, Spain

IES Fene
Fene, Spain

IES Fernando Esquio
Neda, Spain

Turkish Partners
Konya Il Milli Egitim Mudurlugu
Konya, Turkey

Seydisehir Anadolu Lisesi
Konya, Turkey

Erenköy Zeki Altındağ Ortaokulu

Welsh Partners
IntroTeach/Cyfle Dysgu

Radyr Comprehensive School
Cardiff, Wales

Whitchurch High School
Cardiff, Wales