First transnational project meeting in the Nuremberg Region
October 17th - 23rd 2022

The first event were hosted and led by Staatliches Schulamt Nürnberger Land, the second training event will was hosted and led by Konya Il Milli Egitim Mudurlugu. Both were an opportunity for the teachers from participating organizations to share their experiences and encourage others to get involved.
The conferences focused on delivery of workshops from participants who delivered some of their early results from the work completed on digital education within schools in Germany, Wales, Turkey and Spain. The audience were leaders of schools, practicing classroom teachers and other stakeholders from all over the Nuremberger Land, the Konya region and the authority of both countries.

Nuremberg Region

This first collaborative training activity focussed on:

  • Overview of the situation within each country. Starting with feedback on baseline analysis
  • Then information on what has been achieved in the last few months in terms of available resources, training achieved and work being piloted in partner schools
  • Individual schools and teachers feeding back on their experiences and what has been learnt. what plans for numbers to be accessed are developing
  • Discussions on the pupil voice and how thoughts are progressing on how this will impact on them and how they will be involved
  • Teacher training workshops delivered by chosen contributors and information sharing sessions.
  • Each day concluded with reflection on what has been discussed and how this impacts on return to individual schools