Baseline Assessments

Baseline Assessment 1At the start of the project senior leadership teams in participating schools worked with teaching staff to conduct an assessment of the current situation regarding digital competences in the classroom and analyse and share results with partners.

Each school identified a representative/s to participate in the project management group and this person was responsible for feeding back to their school. School staff contributed to, and shared, any materials produced throughout the life of the project. Teachers specifically worked with students in dissemination activities.

Students were key to many aspects of the project. It was their input within their own schools and with teachers that had the most impact. The experiences of this group was important in the overall success of this project particularly in their views and the collaborative work in which they were active. Students worked with teachers to analyse the baseline assessment, developed effective teacher training sessions, presented at online teacher training events, in person at multiplier and LTT events, providing a fresh and forward looking approach in an adult space. Students from all regions worked together online and during exchange opportunities. They worked on collaborative learning to truly internationalise this project and supported students in becoming global citizens for the future.