Radyr Comprehensive School
Radyr Comprehensive School is an English-medium 11-18 co-educational community school maintained by the local authority of Cardiff. There are 1,338 pupils on roll including 306 in the sixth form. This is slightly more than at the time of the last inspection when there were 1,258 on roll, including 313 in the sixth form. The school draws pupils mostly from the north- western part of the city. Pupils come mainly from six partner primary schools. Just under 7% of pupils are eligible for free school meals, which is well below the national average of 17.4%.
Around 3% of pupils live in the 20% most deprived areas in Wales. Nearly all pupils speak English as their first language and come from a while, British background. The percentage of pupils with special educational needs is around 14%, which is well below the national average of 25.4%. The percentage of pupils who have a statement of special educational needs is 2%, which is slightly below the national average of 2.5%. The senior leadership team consists of the headteacher, a deputy headteacher and three assistant headteachers. The individual school budget per pupil for Radyr Comprehensive School in 2015-2016 means that the budget is £4,146 per pupil. The maximum per pupil in the secondary schools in Cardiff is £6,790 and the minimum is £4,116. Radyr Comprehensive School is 18th out of the 19 secondary schools in Cardiff in terms of its school budget per pupil.

Radyr Comprehensive School
Heol Isaf, Radyr
CF15 8XG
Tel: +44 2920 845100
Fax: +44 2920 845101