The Johann Daniel Preißler Middle School is a large school in the west of Nuremberg. Approx. 610 pupils between the ages of 11 and 18 are currently being taught by 62 colleagues in 29 classes. The school family attaches great importance to imparting digital skills, both to pupils and to teaching staff.
Our students should be able to identify with their school, they should enjoy coming to their school, which is why we value a lively school life. Many working groups: sport, internet, school paramedics, library, school band, homepage, mediators, theater, ... contribute to this, but also project days, school festivals, theater performances, etc. Diverse musical and creative activities contribute to the holistic education of our students, always under the premise of recognizing and promoting their strengths and thus their self- confidence. Sports events and participation in regional competitions promote this in a special way.
In our school, students from many nations live and learn together. It is therefore important for us to respect the young people entrusted to us within their social and cultural fabric. The understanding coexistence of the different cultures is consciously lived and promoted, the democratic awareness is developed. As a result of changed social and family structures, personal stresses, and the differing cultural backgrounds of the students, our school has, in addition to imparting knowledge, the task of educating our young people We take on this
task and help the students to take responsibility for themselves, others and the school community.
We do justice to the individuality of our students by using open forms of teaching. Learning offers tailored to the student enable independent and self-determined learning. We pay particular attention to increasing the language skills of our students. Our school is a middle school and thus guarantees the pupils a wide range of educational elements in its educational and comprises grades 5 to 9 or 5 to 10. The lessons are strongly oriented towards job-related content. We attach great importance to the career orientation and career choice of our students. The lessons teach the students how to realistically include their personal and cultural life situation in the career choice process. We cooperate closely with the companies and other extracurricular institutions. Strengthening the self-esteem and teamwork skills of our students is very important for our school community. We want to make our children strong, we want to help them develop a positive outlook on life. The young people should be able to lead a responsible and self-determined life through the intellectual and social skills acquired at school. In order to achieve the above-mentioned goals, children must also be taught digital skills and competences in an increasingly digitalized world. The school staff has therefore set out to strengthen digital skills on the part of the teachers and ultimately on the part of the students.
Our school is in the middle of Europe, so it goes without saying that we are very happy to cooperate with partners in our neighboring countries. The use of the knowledge of experts in other school systems and their skills facilitates and supports our teaching and educational mission to a considerable extent.

Preißlerstr. 6
90429 Nürnberg
Tel: +49 911 231 15 800
Fax: +49 911 231 15 801