Erenköy Zeki Altındağ Ortaokulu
Our school Erenköy Zeki Altındağ Ortaokulu is an educational institution, under the authority of Ministry of Education. It is located in Selçuklu District of Konya and is a public school. It has nearly 840 students aged between 11-14 and 58 school staff. Our school has 28 classes,1 robotics and coding class,1 technology and design class,1 Z library which is organized within the scope of civilization school,1 multipurpose class,1 resting room,1 science lab and 2 nursery classes. Our students come from different families and social groups. Most of them are migrants and most of the families maintain their lives in low salaries. Some students have educated and
non-educated families or jobless families. Because of low living standards, our pupils can't take part in any social activities and communicate with their peers easily. We want to take part in this project because we want to foster interchange & cooperation, get new experience from partners and schools in Europe. Our pupils have limited cultural horizon because they haven't experienced getting in real communication with other students coming from different countries so far. Our vision is to provide the students with the knowledge and experience of the world with scientific and technological principles and open to innovations, appropriate to the needs of the environment and the country, working methodically, continuously developing and innovating, knowing at least one foreign language very well, equipped with material and spiritual care, Contemporary, democratic individuals prepared for high school and higher education institutions who are racing, raising scientists and academicians. Our mission is to enable students to learn by taking individual talents into account, to be knowledgeable, capable, self-confident, to use scientific method in solving problems, to acquire behavior that will communicate well with the environment, to be multi-faceted and unbiased in the events, As well as being individuals who are prone to co-operation and team work.

Tel: +903322466234
Fax: +905064173937